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The publishing process is not always easy to handle. Depending on the type of article you intend to publish, the writing criteria must be adequate. Academic publication is generally considered the most laborious type of publication as it requires several revisions by both the authors and the editors of the journal to which the article is submitted. The time from submission to the final acceptance phase can be up to one year.


During the editing process, the author leads the entire course of production of the written materials on which he/she worked. In the case of an article for publication in a scientific journal for example, the authors' finished text is edited, and cuts or inclusions, grammatical adjustments, changes related to previous standardizations, inclusion of references or citations, or adjustments to the size of the text are suggested.


The review process comprises the inclusion of changes suggested by the editors of a publication after pre-submission. At this stage, if the editors suggest changes then we have good news, as it means that the journal wants to publish our article. Changes may be major or minor, may include some request for clarification or additional explanations, inclusion of references to support a statement, or even the rewriting of some paragraphs. At this stage, all changes are primarily guided by the editors and not the authors.


The final step is publication, and it is also the most enjoyable step. At this stage, authors feel their effort recognized, and the satisfaction of sharing their knowledge with the world.


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